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Scorpion User guide for. Tribunus 14-200A ESC. (OPTO/SBEC). Scorpion and their re-sellers are not responsible for your use of this product, or any damage or In this video, the new Scorpion Tribunus 14s-200A ESC is featured. We first have a little introduction Supported HvLi battery 14S total 61V **. Size: 86.7mm x 45mm x 27.6mm. Weight: 224 Grams. Scorpion Tribunus II+ 14-200A - User Manual · Scorpion Tribunus Supported HvLi battery 14S total 61V. Size: 83.4 x 45 x 27.6 mm. Weight: 218 Grams. Download. Scorpion Tribunus II 14-200A - User Manual. Scorpion Tribunus II 14-200A ESC Product Description Airplane and Heli mode, Stored and unstored Governor, external governor. Data Logging, Data output port Scorpion Tribunus 14-200A. ESC. (SBEC) v1.8. Scorpion User guide for. Tribunus 14-200A ESC. (SBEC). Scorpion and their re-sellers are not responsible for. Scorpion User Guide for Scorpion Tribunus 06-120A ESC (OPTO/SBEC) v1.5 Page 1 Tribunus 06-120A ESC 6S - 120A SBEC 6S -120A OPTO The Scorpion TribunusView the Scorpion Tribunus II manual for free or ask your question to other Scorpion Tribunus II owners. Tribunus II 14-200A ESC. (SBEC). Scorpion and Scorpion Tribunus 14-200A - User Manual. ** Scorpion Tribunus Heli Program V1.02. ** Scorpion V Link II Cable CH340 Driver (For all ESC use).
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